Aquablation is the latest enlarged prostate surgical treatment that we would call the “one and done” of all the surgical treatment options. In short, it combines precision with efficiency and safety into a single robotic technology that rapidly, precisely and safely contours the prostate channel with a pressurized jet of water.
We understand that deciding on a treatment can be hard for men because it might mean making difficult choices. These choices could involve not getting better with medicine or picking a treatment that only helps a little and takes a long time to recover from. It could even affect a man’s ability to have a normal sex life.
Aquablation therapy is a unique procedure that tries to lessen these difficult choices. Many men with BPH (a common prostate problem) don’t want to give up their ability to have sex for relief from symptoms through surgery. Aquablation therapy aims to change that.

How is Aquablation done?
While under general anesthesia in the operating room, the surgeon uses an ultrasound and a camera that to view the prostate from a variety of angles and maps out a surgical treatment plan. Then, with a touch of a button, the robotic instrument moves a jet of water with a precise pressure to partially remove the prostate tissue. The actual prostate removal portion of the procedure takes only a few minutes.
This robot helps make sure the surgery is very precise. Once complete, the surgeon then looks into the prostate and bladder with a camera and uses a small tool to fulgurate (burn off) any small bleeding vessels. At end of the procedure, a urinary catheter is inserted into the bladder and is typically kept 2-3 days. Most patients may go home either the same day or next morning.
Please watch videos describing the two steps of the operation:
Step 1 – Creating a Surgical Map
Step 2 – Removing the Prostate Tissue
What Are the Side Effects?
Many men worry about the side effects of surgery. But in studies, Aquablation therapy caused very few problems like incontinence (losing control of urine), sexual issues, or not being able to get an erection. Most men who had this treatment didn’t have these problems.

Is Aquablation Therapy Right for You?
There are three reasons why Aquablation therapy might be a good choice for you:
- It has low chances of causing lasting problems.
- The procedure is very reliable because a robotic machine minimizes human error and ensures the prostate tissue is removed precisely, consistently, and predictably.
- It provides long-lasting relief from symptoms.
You should discuss with your doctor to see if this is the right treatment for you.
Aquablation Recovery
As with most BPH procedures, you will wake up with a catheter. Patients typically stay overnight in the hospital to monitor bleeding. We may send you home with a catheter for a few days or may keep you an additional night in the hospital if you are unable to pee on your own or empty your bladder at the time of discharge.
Once you are home, you may experience mild burning during urination for a couple of weeks. This can be managed with mild pain medication.
For More Information
For more information, please click here to read the Aquablation Brochure or please visit the company’s website.